Plans and Waivers

Submit Completed 9-1-1 Modification, Consolidation Plan or Waiver

Modification Plans, Consolidation Plans or Waivers must be submitted via email using the button below.

Request to Speak

​​​​​​​​Comments or request to speak at a scheduled hearing which are in response to any plans, waiver or technical review must be submitted no less than 5 days prior to the hearing date by email or mail to:

  • Illinois State Police
  • Statewide 9-1-1 Bureau, 300-S
  • 801 South 7th Street
  • Springfield, IL 62703

Request Opportunity to Speak at Public Hearing Form

Submitted Plans

Note - Please select a 911 System to see more details and additional files.

911 System Plans/Waivers Date Received ALJ Hearing Date & Time
Cook County_Opt In_Robbins_mod Cook County_Robbins Opt 4/4/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
NWCD_Barrington Opt In_mod NWCD_Barrington Opt In_mod 2/24/2022
Calumet City_Statewide NG911_mod Calumet City_statewide NG911 8/17/2022
Champaign County_statewide NG911_mod Champaign County_statewide NG911_mod 8/22/2022
E-COM Dispatch Center_NG911_23-M-371 E-COM Dispatch Center_NG911_23-M-371 9/15/2023 9/15/2023 12:27 PM
Crawford County_NG911_23-M-372 Crawford County_NG911_23-M-372 10/10/2023 10/10/2023 2:19 PM
Fulton County ETSB Fulton County Modification Plan_23-M-373 11/15/2023 11/15/2023 1:44 PM
Iroquois County 9-1-1 Iroquois County 9-1-1 11/15/2023 11/15/2023 3:30 PM
Madison County ETSB_NG911_mod Madison County_NG911_23-M-375 12/20/2023 12/20/2023 11:01 AM
Vermilion Valley Regional ETSB_NG911_mod Vermilion Valley Regional_NG911_23-M-376 12/20/2023 12/20/2023 11:02 AM
Menard County 911_NG911_mod Menard County 911_NG911_mod 12/21/2023 12/21/2023 8:58 AM
Edwards County 911_NG911_24-M-379 Edwards County 911 3/12/2024 3/12/2024 12:14 PM
Cook County ETSB_NG911_24-M-378 Cook County ETSB_NG911_24-M-378 3/12/2024 3/12/2024 2:29 PM
Skokie Combined Communications_NG911_24-M-380 Skokie Combined Comm_NG911_24-M-380 3/26/2024 3/26/2024 1:32 PM
Will County 911_NG911_24-M-382 Will County 911_NG911_24-M-382 4/11/2024 4/11/2024 2:15 PM
DuPage County ETSB_NG911_24-M-383 DuPage County_NG911_24-M-383_redacted 4/15/2024 4/15/2024 4:03 PM
Cook County ETSB_Opt-In_Crestwood_Worth_24-M-385 Cook County ETSB_Opt-In_Crestwood_Worth_24-M-385_redacted 4/18/2024 4/18/2024 3:44 PM
SouthWest Central 911_OptOut_Crestwood_Worth_24-M-384 SouthWest Central Dispatch_OptOut_Crestwood_Worth_24-M-384 4/18/2024 4/18/2024 4:15 PM
Clark County E9-1-1_NG911_mod Clark County E9-1-1_24-M-381_redacted 4/19/2024 4/19/2024 10:19 AM
Scott County E911_NG911_24-M-386 Scott County E911_NG911_24-M-386_redacted 5/21/2024 5/21/2024 10:25 AM
Elgin ETSB_NG911_24-M-387 Elgin ETSB_NG911_24-M-387 5/21/2024 5/21/2024 2:06 PM
Mason County ETSB_NG911_24-M-389 Mason County ETSB_24-M-389_redacted 6/13/2024 6/13/2024 12:39 PM
Glenview JETSB_APEX_24-M-390 Glenview JETSB_APEX_24-M-390_redacted 6/24/2024 6/24/2024 11:39 AM
Massac County ETSB_NG911_24-M-391 Massac County_NG911_24-M-391_redacted 6/24/2024 6/24/2024 2:36 PM
Knox County ETSB_NG911_24-M-392 Knox County ETSB_NG911_24-M-392 7/31/2024 7/31/2024 2:50 PM
Ford County ETSB_NG911_24-M-393 Ford County ETSB_24-M-393_redacted 9/10/2024 9/10/2024 9:30 AM
Pike County ETSB_NG911_24-M-394 Pike County ETSB_NG911_24-M-394_redacted 10/11/2024 10/11/2024 11:24 AM
Lee County ETSB_NG911_24-M-395 Lee County ETSB_NG911_24-M-395-redacted 10/11/2024 10/11/2024 11:27 AM
Des Plaines_Cook County 24-C-396_consol Des Plaines_Cook County_24-C-396_redacted 11/12/2024 11/12/2024 8:25 AM
Woodford County ETSB_NG911_24-M-397 Woodford County ETSB_NG911_24-M-397_redacted 11/26/2024 11/26/2024 12:40 PM
ECOM and SouthCOM JETSB_24-C-398 ECOM and SouthCOM JETSB_24-C-398_redacted 11/27/2024 2/13/2025 9:30 AM
Evanston 9-1-1_Backup_24-M-399 Evanston 9-1-1_Backup_24-M-399_redacted 12/13/2024 12/13/2024 8:34 AM
Madison County_Backup Change_25-M-400 Madison County_Backup Change_25-M-400_redacted 2/6/2025 1/1/0001 2:03 PM
Northbrook_NG911_mod Northbrook_NG911_23-M-368 8/31/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Logan County JETSB_NG911_mod Logan County_NG911_23-M-367 8/31/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Wheeling_NWCDS_Consol_24-C-388 Wheeling_NWCDS_Consol_24-C-388_redacted 1/30/2024
West Suburban Consol Dispatch_Statewide NG911_mod West Suburban_Statewide NG911_mod 7/11/2022
Dewitt County_Statewide NG911_mod Dewitt County Statewide NG911 Mod 6/7/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Municipal Consolidated Dispatch_Statewide NG911_mod Municipal Consolidated Dispatch_statewide NG911_mod 3/16/2023
CalComm_Opt Out_Robbins_mod CalComm_Opt Out_Robbins_mod 4/4/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
NWCD_statewide NG911_mod NWCD_statewide NG911_mod_redacted 7/5/2022
Jersey County_NG911 mod_22-M-296 Jersey County_NG911 mod_22-M-296 1/10/2022
McLean County_Mod 21-M-286 McLean County_Mod 21-M-286 2/11/2021
Hamilton County_NG911_SSP Mod_21-M-291 Hamilton County_NG911_SSP Mod_21-M-291 8/9/2021
Grundy County_statewide NG911_mod Grundy County_statewide NG911_mod 6/17/2022
Des Plaines Valley_statewide NG911_mod Des Plaines Valley_statewide NG911_mod 9/8/2022
QuadCom_statewide NG911_mod QuadCom_statewide NG911_mod 9/19/2022
CalComm_Statewide NG911_mod CalComm_Statewide NG911_mod 2/21/2023
Cook County_Chicago Heights Opt In_mod Cook County_Chicago Heights Opt In_mod 9/23/2021
Eisenhower (IKE)_Statewide NG911_mod Eisenhower (IKE)_statewide NG911_mod_23-M-354 5/19/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Waukegan 9-1-1_Statewide NG911_mod Waukegan_statewide NG911_mod 4/11/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Sangamon County_NG911_23-M-364 SangamonCounty_NG911_23-M-364 8/18/2023
Wheeling-DesPlaines JETSB_NG911_mod Wheeling-DesPlaines JETSB_NG911_mod 8/30/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Naperville 911_Statewide NG911_mod Naperville 911_statewide NG911_mod_redacted 7/7/2022
LaSalle County_Statewide NG911_mod LaSalle County_NG911_mod_23-M-350_redacted 5/10/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Douglas County_Statewide NG911_mod Douglas County_Statewide NG911_mod 12/16/2022
Clinton County_statewide NG911_mod Clinton County_statewide NG911_mod 6/15/2022
Cass County_Statewide NG911_mod Cass County_Statewide NG911_mod 6/16/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Central Dispatch_statewide NG911_mod Central Dispatch_statewide NG911_mod 10/11/2022
Fox Lake_statewide NG911_mod Fox Lake_statewide NG911_mod 8/15/2022
SouthCom_statewide NG911_mod SouthCom_statewide NG911_mod 9/14/2022
Glenview JETSB_Statewide NG911_mod Glenview JETSB_Statewide NG911_mod 3/9/2023
South West Cook County_Forest View Opt Out South West Cook County_Forest View Opt Out 12/6/2022
NE Lake County_statewide NG911_mod NE Lake County NG911_mod_22-M-208 6/27/2022
Marion County_Statewide NG911_mod Marion County_statewide NG911_mod 7/21/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Southwest Central_PSAP change_21-M-289 Southwest Central_Move PSAP_21-M-289_Mod 7/7/2021
Bond County_Statewide NG911_mod Bond County_Statewide NG911_mod 2/21/2023
Kane County_statewide NG911_mod Kane County_statewide NG911_mod 8/15/2022
Vermilion County_statewide NG911_mod Vermilion County_statewide NG911_mod 9/19/2022
Monroe County_Statewide NG911_mod Monroe County_Statewide NG911_mod 2/21/2023
Lansing_statewide NG911_mod Lansing_statewide NG911_mod 8/22/2022
Lyons Township Area Comm Center_Statewide NG911_mod Lyons Township Area Comm Center_Statewide NG911_mod 7/27/2022
Vernon Hills_Statewide NG911_mod Vernon Hills_Statewide NG911_mod 7/27/2022
Quincy_Adams County_statewide NG911_mod Quincy_Adams County_statewide NG911_mod 9/15/2022
CenCom_statewide NG911_mod CenCom_statewide NG911_mod 9/19/2022
West Central Joint ETSB_NG911 mod_22-M-301 West Central Joint ETSB_NG911 mod_22-M-301 4/20/2022
Cencom_Barrington Opt Out_mod Cencom_Barrington Opt Out_mod 2/24/2022
West Central Consolidated Communications_Statewide NG911_mod West Central Consolidated Communications_Statewide NG911_mod 10/31/2022
Orland Joint_statewide NG911_mod Orland Joint_statewide NG911_mod 9/15/2022
CalComm_Dixmoor Opt In_mod CalComm_Dixmoor Opt In_mod 6/6/2022
Jefferson County_NG911 mod_21-M-292 Jefferson County NG911 Mod_21_M_292_Redacted 8/16/2021
Piatt County_NG911_mod Piatt County_NG911_23-M-366 8/30/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Berwyn_statewide NG911_mod Berwyn_statewide NG911_mod 8/15/2022
Lake County_statewide NG911_mod Lake County_statewide NG911_mod 8/8/2022
Kankakee County ETSB_Statewide NG911_mod Kankakee County ETSB_Statewide NG911_mod 11/21/2022
Tinley Park_statewide NG911_mod Tinley Park_statewide NG911_mod 10/11/2022
CERCCC_Forest View Opt In CERCCC-Forest View Opt In 12/6/2022
Lawrence County Modification Plan Lawrence County Modification Plan 9/17/2021
Oak Forest ETSB_Statewide NG911_mod Oak Forest ETSB_Statewide NG911_mod 1/6/2023
Edgar County_Statewide NG911_mod_23-M-357 Edgar County_Statewide NG911_mod_23-M-357 6/12/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Southwest Central_statewide NG911_mod Southwest Central_statewide NG911_mod 8/26/2022
Deerfield United_Statewide NG911_mod DeerfieldUnited_statewide NG911_mod 4/27/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Wayne County_NG911 mod_21-M-290 Wayne County_NG911 mod_21-M-290 7/30/2021
Fayette County_Statewide NG911_23-M-358 Fayette County_Statewide NG911_23-M-358 6/12/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Marshall County_Statewide NG911_mod Marshall County ETSB_statewide NG911_ mod 5/11/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Kendall County_statewide NG911_mod Kendall County_statewide NG911_mod 6/17/2022
McHenry County_NG911_23-M-363 McHenry County_NG911_23-M-363 8/17/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
CERCC_Statewide NG911 mod CERCC_Statewide NG911 mod 5/15/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Proviso_Elmwood Park_optin_Mod Proviso Leyden_ Elmwood Park Opt in_Mod_21-M-286 4/6/2021
Christian County_backup change_mod Christian County_backup change_mod_red 4/5/2022
West Suburban_Elmwood Park Opt Out-Mod West Suburban_Elmwood Park Opt Out-Mod 4/6/2021
Peoria/Stark County_Consol_22-C-297 Peoria/Stark County_Consol_22-C-297 2/14/2022 4/13/2022 10:00 AM
Wilmette_statewide NG911_mod Wilmette_statewide NG911_mod 9/14/2022
Franklin County_NG911_mod Franklin County_NG911_mod 6/30/2022
Macoupin County_NG911 mod_21-M-295 Macoupin County_NG911 mod_21-M-295 12/7/2021
Brown County_Statewide NG911_mod Brown County_NG911_23-M-349 4/27/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Cook County_Dixmoor Opt Out_mod Cook County_Dixmoor Opt Out_mod 6/6/2022
Proviso Leyden_Statewide NG911_23-M-359 Proviso Leyden_Statewide NG911_23-M-359 6/12/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Oak Lawn Regional Emergency Comm_NG911_mod Oak Lawn Regional Emergency Comm_NG911_23-M-370 9/7/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Macon County_statewide NG911_mod Macon County_statewide NG911_mod 6/15/2022
Evanston 911_Statewide NG911_mod Evanston 911_statewide NG911_mod_23-M-361 6/16/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
St. Clair County NG911_mod St Clair County_NG911_23-M-369 9/7/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Joint Central Lake County_Statewide NG911_mod Joint Central Lake County_statewide NG911_mod 5/11/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
South West Cook County_Statewide NG911_mod South West_Cook_County_Statewide NG911_Mod 6/7/2023 1/1/2001 12:00 AM
Winnebago County ETSB_Secondary Answering Point_22-M-338 Winnebago County ETSB_Secondary Answering Point_ 22-M-338 1/10/2023
Madison County Consol_19-C-254 (rev 10-24-19) Madison County Consol_19-C-254 (rev 10-24-19) 10/24/2019 10/28/2019 10:15 AM